Other Subject Tutoring

Schedule a session with your tutor

Need help with your studies? We’re here to support you. In addition to the tutoring services we provide in math, science and writing, we also offer assistance in a number of other subjects by appointment, including:

  • Accounting
  • American Sign Language
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Other subjects based on availability

The only requirement is that you are currently enrolled in a CGCC class for which you want tutoring.

Schedule an appointment

  • Appointments, whether in-person or online, can be scheduled through our Virtual Tutoring Center. For more information contact us at tutoring@cgc.edu, call 480-732-7231 or visit LIB239R at our Pecos campus.
  • Appointments must be scheduled at least 15 hours in advance. Be prepared with all necessary materials and specific questions for your tutor.
  • Tutoring sessions are not recurring appointments. You can schedule one appointment at a time for up to two sessions per week depending on tutor availability.


Other Subject Tutoring

When CGCC tutors are not available, log into Brainfuse and use the Live Help option to connect with a Brainfuse tutor. This service is free and available to CGCC students; however, your time is limited to 2 hours per semester. To use Brainfuse, log in with your MEID and password.

Other Subject Tutoring

Canceling your appointment

If you are unable to keep an appointment, please cancel through your appointment confirmation email at least 4 hours in advance. Missed appointments and late cancellations may result in loss of access to the service the rest of the semester.