Student & Faculty Toolbox

Library references, resources and answer guides

Here are some useful references and guidelines for citing sources, accessing research materials from home, and addressing your most frequently asked questions.

Student & Faculty Toolbox

Different disciplines and classes require specific citation formats. Here are reference guides to the most commonly used styles.

Library services and materials, including electronic and print resources, reserve materials, interlibrary loan, photocopying, and acquisition procedures, must comply with the U.S. Copyright Law. For the Maricopa County Community College District policies regarding copyrights, please read the Intellectual Property, Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines.

Public performance rights

Media items such as VHS, DVD, and streaming video will be used in a manner that follows Public Performance Rights. Please see Copyright and Public Performance Rights (Updated 1-2020)

Further information

For detailed information on other areas of copyright, please see the CGCC Library’s Copyright Guide.

For assistance with adding the CGCC Library’s eBook and streaming video content to your remote or online teaching please email Mary Beth Burgoyne or email Barbara Howe.

The rich content in the CGCC Library's databases include these additional features:

  • Public Performance Rights: Allowing you to show the film in online or face-to-face classes, or at a college-sponsored event, without violating copyright.
  • Transcripts and Closed Captioning: Streaming videos/films that include transcripts and closed captioning. These are ADA-compliant accessibility tools required by MCCCD for media content used in instruction regardless of the modality.
  • Translate and Listen: Some database vendors include LISTEN and TRANSLATE tools for the HTML editions of the articles. These tools support English as a Second Language and students with audio learning preferences.

Library faculty design hands-on, interactive Critical Research Instruction classes tailored to your specific research-based assignment and student needs. Using a “just-in-time” approach, we teach students the skills, strategies, and sources applicable to your research-based project. This section provides additional details regarding our instructional program.

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service allows you to obtain educational and research materials not available in the Chandler-Gilbert Community College Library collection. This material may include books, articles in periodicals, documents and multimedia. They can be borrowed from libraries all across the country and throughout the world!

Interlibrary loans are processed through the online ILLIAD system. If you need any assistance in setting up your ILLiad account, please contact the Pecos Library, Circulation Services, 480-857-5102 or Williams Library, Circulation Services at 480- 988-8611.

Requests from libraries within the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) are normally filled in three to seven days, but allow a minimum of two to six weeks for requests outside of the District. This service is free for most requests, however, some libraries may impose a fee.

Library FAQs

Your Student ID Card or Employee ID Card acts as your library card. ID/Library cards are issued at the Coyote Center on the Pecos Campus and in the Public Safety Office in Bluford Hall on the Williams campus. Your ID/Library card is required to check out materials from the CGCC libraries, including reserve materials. It will also allow you to check out items from the other Maricopa Community College Libraries.

Use your MEID and password (same as My Maricopa and Canvas) to log into library resources such as the article databases and book catalog. If you have any problems logging in, call 480-857-5100 or 480-857-5102.

Follow this link and sign in with your MEID + password to renew your library books or review your library book account.

Some database vendors are creating apps for mobile devices. EBSCOHost, which is a major vendor for quite a few of our databases, has an eBook app available for download. Click here to access the app. If you are off campus, you will need to log in using your MEID + password.