Course Reserves, Room Reservations and Policies

Library reservations, policies & procedures

Library guidelines

You have questions, we have answers. Here’s everything you need to know about using your library, including checking out materials, reserving study rooms, where to get your library card, and more!

Library policies & procedures

CGCC students and employees obtain library privileges by presenting their CGCC ID card at the Circulation desk. Your ID card is valid at all Maricopa Community Colleges, and you are responsible for any use of it, unless you report it lost.

Maricopa County community residents 18 years old and older are eligible for Community Borrowing privileges at the MCCCD Libraries (not including electronic resources). To establish an account, start by registering here (You must be On-Campus to access this link) to get an MEID number. Bring it, along with a valid photo ID and something with your current address, to the Pecos Library or Williams Library Circulation desk. All Community Borrower accounts are valid for 12 months from the date of issue and may be renewed upon request.


Loan Periods

Reserve Materials
Interlibrary Loans

28 days
7 days
Library use only
Library use only


Loan Periods

We charge fines for late reserve materials:

Reserve materials

.50 per/hr.


Materials automatically go into Lost status if not returned within the days listed:

Non Books

28 days after the due date
14 days after the due date


Calculator Checkout:

  • Calculators are available on a 1st come first serve basis for currently enrolled CGCC students only.
  • Calculators are for semester-long use.
  • If you need a calculator please visit the Pecos and Williams circulation desk.

Laptop checkout

  • Laptops are available on a 1st come first serve basis for currently enrolled CGCC students only.
  • Any student who wants to use a laptop from the Library must complete an acknowledgement form that includes borrowing guidelines and overall replacement or repair costs.
  • Laptops for will have basic programs, such as Word and the usual internet browsers, and Respondus lockdown browser.
  • Laptops for semester long use will allow students to download items/programs that they need for their classes. Once the computers are returned to the Library, IT will clean/reset them. Students are responsible for saving their work as it will not remain on the computer.
  • Laptops for in-library use will delete all student content once the student logs off. Students are responsible for saving their work to the cloud or a device.
  • If students need technology assistance with the Laptops, they will be directed to the Student Computer Lab for help.
  • If you are in need of a laptop please visit the Pecos and Williams circulation desk.


Lost Materials

We charge fair market cost for the replacement of any lost item.

For information about overdue, damaged and lost material, and fines, call the CGCC Library Circulation desk.



Damaged Materials

We charge for the cost of any repair required on material that has been damaged while charged out to patrons. Fees will be determined by the Technical Services Librarian.

Library study rooms are available at the Pecos Campus for currently enrolled CGC students to study in groups on collaborative projects, view missed videos for class, or simply to study on their own. (Limit 6 people to a room.)

How to reserve a study room

To reserve a study room, visit

  • Study rooms can be reserved up to a week in advance.
  • Reservations are limited to a two-hour period.
  • Reservations will be canceled if no one is present 15 minutes after the reservation start time.
  • Back to back bookings for a single room are not allowed and will be cancelled by library staff.

Using a Study Room

  • The library is not responsible for anything left in the study rooms.
  • Whiteboard markers and erasers are available at the Circulation Services desk. Please erase whiteboards and return markers and erasers when you are finished.
  • Beverages in spill-proof or leak-proof containers are permitted. Food is not permitted. Please put all trash in the wastebasket before leaving.
  • Be respectful of other library users and minimize noise. The study rooms are not sound-proof.
  • The study rooms are for academic purposes. If you are using the room for non-academic purposes, you may be asked to move so others may use the room.
  • Children cannot be unattended.

* (Maricopa Community College District Governance, College Environment, Section 2.4.10)

Faculty may place library materials or their personal materials on Reserve for student use related to classroom assignments.

Reserve materials are located behind the Circulation Desk, and are for in-house use only. You can search the library catalog to see what has been placed on reserve — look under “Course Reserves.” You must have a CGCC student picture ID to check out these items.

eReserves are available by visiting eReserves website. You must be a CGCC student or faculty to use this collection and will be asked to login with your MEID and MEID password.


  • Please allow 72 hours for materials to be put on Reserve and allow up to one week for eReserves.
  • Note that the library does not purchase college textbooks to be put on Reserve.

Faculty-owned materials will be checked out to the faculty’s class members only. Library-owned materials will be checked out to MCCCD students and MCCCD employees for the Reserve Room check-out time and place.

For additional information on eReserves, call 480.857.5102.

Your ID Card serves double duty as your library card, valid for the semester in which you’re enrolled. You can get your ID Card at the Coyote Center on the Pecos Campus.

You can also use the MEID number on your ID Card to access library databases remotely online, the same way you log into My.Maricopa and Canvas. You can access the District Library Databases here.

Classroom spaces in the library are designated for Critical Research Instruction. Faculty wishing to schedule a Critical Research class should contact the library faculty listed below for more information.

Depending on availability, independent research space may be scheduled following a Critical Research class. Please contact the appropriate library faculty below for more information.

Faculty wishing to schedule a computer lab space for another purpose should work through their divisions.

Critical Research Instruction at Williams Library & Communiversity
Monica Johnson

Critical Research Instruction at Pecos Library
Kim Chuppa-Cornell

Closing procedures

  • Closing procedures begin 30 minutes before the stated closing time. For example, if the library closes at 9:00pm, then closing procedures start at 8:30 pm.
  • Anyone entering the library during this time will be notified that the library is closing.
  • Because clocks may vary throughout the library, the clock behind the Circulation Desk is designated as the official time.
  • Circulation/Reserve Desk services will end 15 minutes prior to closing. All materials must be checked out and returned before this time.
  • Computer usage, including printing, must be completed 15 minutes prior to closing.

Collection Development Policy

Chandler-Gilbert Community College Library’s collection development policy describes the goals and purpose of the diverse materials collections found at the Pecos and Williams Libraries, including how we select, develop and maintain the collections.

View the entire Collection Development Policy.