Press Release News

CGCC Welcomes Gulfstream to Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport

CGCC is excited to welcome Gulfsteam to Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, and is well underway in building training and workforce pipelines in the field of aerospace that connect directly to programs at CGCC's Williams Campus. As Gulfstream ramps up training, onboarding and operations, CGCC will partner through space use and collaborate on building embedded and hands on models for our students to learn and experience real world aviation that lead to highly skilled and competitive paying jobs.
November 9, 2021

Nursing Students Serve on Front Lines of COVID-19 Vaccinations

Chandler-Gilbert Community College’s Pecos Campus is currently serving as a point of dispensing (POD) for COVID-19 vaccinations, operated by the Maricopa County Department of Public Health and Dignity Health. Since opening on December 21, over 100,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered to priority groups at the Pecos Campus POD - 25% of the total doses provided to the county. In addition to allowing Chandler-Gilbert to serve the community, hosting this POD has provided a unique hands-on learning opportunity for CGCC nursing students.
February 17, 2021

College Offers Food & School Supplies to East Valley Families

As families struggle to balance homeschooling and job losses, many are affected by food insecurity. Chandler-Gilbert has relaunched two vital basic needs resources for both the community and students. The Coyote Cupboard and free produce distribution return with a kick-off on September 1 at the Williams Campus. The college has implemented COVID-19 safety measures in order to offer community members and students access to these resources during this time of unprecedented need. In addition, face coverings or masks are required to participate in these services.
August 28, 2020