College News

Celebrate Constitution Day—All Week!

Join us for online sessions and hear from experts about voting, civic engagement, and the most influential document in American history—our Constitution! 
August 30, 2022

New Students Welcomed with the Science of Play

CGCC, part of the Maricopa County Community College District, is known to bring the fun to their events, but there was much more to it than that. “The event’s goal was to provide community and connections to the college for increased student success and retention for 2022-2023,” said Dr. Anne Suzuki, Dean of Student Development.
August 30, 2022

Fall 2022 Coyote Athletics Update

As the beginning of another semester begins soon, so will our Fall sports seasons. Our Coyote student athletes are eager to get started and we can't wait to see all of you at some sporting events this year!
August 19, 2022

Special Saturday Enrollment Available

If you can’t make it during the work week to enroll for classes, don’t worry, we’ve got it covered. Chandler-Gilbert Community College is holding two Saturday enrollment options for fall semester <a href="">academic advisement</a>.
August 4, 2022

Free Food Is Ready for Harvest

The desert is a surprising place. For those unfamiliar with the environment, it can feel like it’s nothing more than just hot and, well, brown. But if you look closely, the desert ecosystem is quite impressive. Kendra Stanger, Environmental Technology Center (ETC) Coordinator at Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC), helps students learn about Arizona through programs that bring environmental lessons to life.
July 12, 2022

Coyote Pride at CGCC

At Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC) we may be one pack, but we are made up of a diverse group of coyotes—and that is something to celebrate! One important way for students to express themselves is to get involved in campus organizations that support their interests.
June 1, 2022

Chandler-Gilbert Celebrates the Numbers

Over the past few years, daily numbered reports have typically not been welcome or pleasant news. But this week, Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC) is excited to report some very positive figures—and they are certainly worth sharing.
May 13, 2022

Virtual Tours of Auschwitz

Take a step into history by taking virtual tour of Auschwitz. The Auschwitz Virtual Tour entails regular online sessions about the former Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. This is not a regular webinar or seminar. In fact, it is the most faithful representation of a physical visit to the Auschwitz memorial site. The delivery is significantly augmented by historical footage, histories of former prisoners, visualizations, aerial overviews, and contemporary filming.
March 29, 2022

Highlighting Our Native American Student-Athletes

November is Native American Heritage Month. This is a time to celebrate cultures, traditions, and histories. It’s also a time to recognize the contributions and accomplishments of Native people. We also prioritize an education for the general community on tribes and the hardships that they have and still face. We encourage you to listen and uplift the voices of our Native student-athletes.
November 30, 2021

Join us for the Williams Campus 25th Anniversary Celebration!

You’re invited to join us in November for the Williams 25th Anniversary Celebration Series! Save the date for these exciting events!
October 13, 2021

Prefer a Community Feel in Courses? Sign Up for These Courses

​​​​​​​What is a Learning Community? 

A learning community pairs courses into one integrated learning package for student success - a learning community.
June 30, 2021

Message Regarding Derek Chauvin Verdict

I join many in our community in feeling a great sense of relief and hope in the announcement that Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts for the murder of George Floyd. I am grateful for jury members who upheld the integrity of our judicial system by standing for justice, and I look forward to healing that may come from this decision.
April 22, 2021