DRS Connect New & Continuing Students

Connect with Disability Resources & Services


Welcome new and returning students! We’re excited you’ve chosen Chandler-Gilbert to pursue your higher education, and want to empower you to achieve your career and educational goals. That starts with getting registered for services with our DRS Office through something we call DRS Connect.

If you’re not familiar with this program, or it’s been a while, we’ve provided a quick review for getting started, or restarting your services. If you’ve already completed the steps and are ready to get started, click the DRS Connect button to continue!

DRS Connect

New Students

In order to receive accommodations/academic adjustments under ADA, a student must have a documented disability and be able to provide a copy of that documentation to the DRS Office. For more information regarding documentation, review MCCCD Documentation Policy Handout.

Students must be admitted and should be registered for classes to receive services from DRS. Although registration is not required to begin the process, it is best practice. Being pre-registered for courses assists the accessibility specialists in explaining services in detail, based upon your chosen courses.

All three placement tests are untimed and offer the option to take them on the same day or spread across several days. If you are in need of academic adjustments for a placement test (Kurzweil, Dragon, etc.), please contact our office directly at 480.857.5188 or email drs@cgc.edu.

Fill out the online application

This application is a series of questions asking you to self-identify and provide our office with the history regarding your disability and any past academic adjustments or services you have received. To access the application, go to DRS Connect, then select the New Student Application blue box.

Providing documentation

The online application will ask if you have documentation to upload. If you don’t have an electronic copy of your documentation and no access to a scanner, download a free scanning app to your phone or bring a hardcopy directly to our office. We must have documentation on file prior to providing services.

Register for classes

You should be registered for classes before we can schedule an Intake appointment. It doesn’t matter at which point in the process you choose to register for your classes, as long as you’re registered before we schedule your Intake.


This appointment usually takes about an hour and is an interactive process that allows us to go over appropriate academic adjustments and how they will be implemented. This is an opportunity to ask the DRS Staff members any questions you may have. Parents, spouses, and other outside agencies involved in your support are welcome to accompany you during the Intake. FERPA and Department release forms must be signed.

If you were registered with us in the past but have been inactive for more than one semester, or are currently registered with another Maricopa College’s DRS Office, please contact our office directly at 480-857-5188 or email at drs@cgc.edu.

Accessing DRS Connect

All other continuing students can access their student portal by going to DRS Connect.. You will need your MEID and password, the same one used for all other Maricopa sites. If you encounter difficulties logging in to your account, contact our office right away.

Using Approved Accommodations/Academic Adjustments

Accommodations must be requested every semester for each class you wish to receive. Accommodations are based on individuals diagnosis, the interactive process, course or courses and course modality.

Detailed instructions can be found here:

Students will only be able to schedule tests in DRS Connect if the instructor has submitted a Testing Contract for that class.

Sign in to your DRS Connect account using your MEID and Password. Go to Alternative Testing and complete the request to schedule an exam. If you are unable to schedule an exam through DRS Connect, contact your instructor to request a Testing Contract to be submitted to DRS. 

  • Your instructor will be emailed a link each time you schedule a test through DRS Connect.
  • All DRS tests need to be scheduled in DRS connect with appropriate notice of 3-5-10 days.
  • All approved tests will provide students an email.
  • Students must take their exams at the campus where the course is offered.
  • If you are denied approval, students are responsible to resubmit request as well as get approval from the instructor.

If you have any questions regarding the DRS testing, please call the DRS testing at 480-988-8163, or email drs.testing@cgc.edu



Getting Help

It is crucial to seek help as soon as you start experiencing difficulty. Do not wait until the end of the semester! We are here to support you should you need extra assistance:

  • Accommodation/academic adjustment management and DRS Connect concerns through the DRS Office
  • Tutoring through the Learning Center
  • Personal, academic, and career concerns through Counseling Services

The Disability Resources and Services (DRS) Office
Phone: 480-857-5188 
Email: drs@cgc.edu
Pecos Campus — Bradshaw Hall 101
Williams Campus - Bluford 104

DRS Testing
Phone: 480-988-8163
Email Testing: drs.testing@cgc.edu
Pecos Campus: BRD 112
Williams Campus: BLUF 103
* Limited hours, appointment only

Student Rights and Responsibilities
Email Ryan Cain, Interim Dean of Student Development
Email Vanessa Guy, Interim Program Analyst, Student Rights and Responsibilities
Pecos Campus: BRD 101

Learning Center
Phone: 480-732-7231
Pecos campus – Library, 2nd floor
Williams campus – BRID 114 & 115

Phone: 480-732-7158
Pecos campus – BRD 101
Williams campus – Bluford Hall
You can also schedule an appointment online