Community Resources and Support


At CGCC, we understand that life changes can happen at any time. To help you meet the challenges and overcome the obstacles that may come your way, we have gathered a list of resources, both within CGCC and out in our community, to assist you on your path.

We want you to know that you never have to walk this journey alone. Our Counseling Faculty is here to help. If you would like additional guidance, please schedule an appointment to discuss your situation with one of our highly trained professionals.

Campus Resources

Community Resources

Assistance with Basic Needs

COVID-19 Pandemic Resources

Dealing with Traumatic Events

Domestic Violence/Dating Violence

Financial Resources

 Food Assistance 

 Housing Resources/Homeless Shelters


Mental Health

Suicide/Crisis Support

Sexual Assault

Substance Abuse

Transportation Resources

Veteran Resources

Disclaimer: Chandler-Gilbert Community College does not assume responsibility for the quality of services provided by the agencies listed on the site. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement nor does omission indicate disapproval.