Fitness Center Policies

Fitness Center (FC) Policies


  • No one will be permitted into an activity area without signing in and out of the FC kiosk with their own MEID/ID (do not give to other people to use).
  • If you leave without logging out, you will be logged out by a FC staff member and any exercise time will be deleted for that visit (for students enrolled in a PED class).
  • Important: Leaving the FC when enrolled in a credit class or group exercise class while checked-in will be treated as academic dishonesty.
  • All hours for PED class credit must be performed in the Coyote FC. Students enrolled in a PED class may use the FC for up to 2 hours of credit per day.

  • If anyone wants to photograph in FC, please ask the front desk for permission.
  • NO cell phone use (other than a personal music device with headphones) is permitted in the FC.
    • If you want to take or make a phone call, please leave the facility to do so.
  • Do not slam weight stacks and/or drop weights on the floor.
  • Members are to be mindful of other members waiting on equipment.
  • During peak times of the day, please limit cardio sessions on the machine to 30 minutes.
  • Only authorized personnel of the Coyote FC are allowed to provide personal training services.
  • Please do not wear any cologne or perfume to the FC.
  • Rosin powder, chalk powder, wax or any other substances that might alter the floor surface are strictly prohibited.
  • Only water allowed on the FC floor; no food and/or other beverages.
  • Be respectful of others in the facility, inappropriate behavior and language will not be tolerated.

  • Please use the sanitizing wipes to clean all equipment after use.
    • Infections that can spread through skin contact or bodily fluids that rest on the skin are:
      • MRSA
      • Hepatitis B
      • Viral Infections like the Flu
      • Athlete's Foot
      • Staphylococcus (Staph) infection
  • FC reserves the right to restrict usage of facilities if we believe that a member may be in danger from excessive exercise or may not be adequately supporting their fitness routine nutritionally.
  • If a FC member’s workout is deemed unsafe by FC staff, the FC member will be required to sit with an assigned FC staff member to rewrite their program.
  • Use a spotter, safety guards, and collars when using free weights.
  • Do not drop non-rubberized barbells, dumbbells, or weight plates (even on mats).
  • Safe and proper use of equipment is required at all times. - Please ask a FC staff member if you need assistance.
  • FC staff may approach you to help with any exercise/equipment/proper lifting form technicalities.
  • Please return all plates, dumbbells, and accessories to the proper rack or weight tree after each use.
  • No unsafe or damaging modifications of the equipment, such as stacking boxes, etc.
  • Please report any equipment problems to the FC staff immediately.
  • Do not leave personal belongings (backpacks, purses, etc.) on strength and cardio equipment, or floor.

  • Athletic clothing covering the torso and back is required.
  • Only sneakers are allowed on the FC floor.
  • No clothing should contain obscene or offensive words or pictures.
  • Coyote Fitness Center reserves the right to restrict the use of any outside equipment, including but not limited to elevation/altitude mask and/or sauna suit.

  • Lockers are available for day use only; remove all belongings at the end of each visit.
  • Students are encouraged to use a lock to secure belongings in a locker each visit.
  • CGCC is not responsible for personal items that are brought into the Fitness Center.
  • Please place personal belongings in the cubbies/lockers provided.

Please Note:

Please Note:

The use of the Coyote Fitness Center is a privilege. Violation of these rules or posted policies, including verbal and/or physical abuse of employee(s) or patron(s), criminal activity, disorderly conduct or inappropriate behavior may be subject to the following: (a) immediate removal, (b) suspension of membership, (c) administrative referral to Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) under the Student Code of Conduct or other applicable policies, and/or (d) criminal action.

**FC staff have the final say in policy interpretation and enforcement. Failure to comply with any of the policies may result in temporary or permanent loss of FC privileges.