Writing-Certified Classes
Writing-certified classes create opportunities for students to develop a deep understanding of course content, enhance their writing skills, and stand out to employers and universities by earning the Writing-Certified Class Program Distinction, all while taking the courses they need to achieve their educational goals.
We offer writing-certified classes that help you along your path, whether transferring to a university, receiving professional career training, or learning college success strategies. Earning the Writing-Certified Class Program Distinction also positions you for competitive roles with employers by standing out as a strong writer.
Participating in these courses allows you to:
- Gain a deep understanding of course content
- Practice writing in your career field
- Receive feedback from experts in your discipline
- Enhance your critical and creative thinking skills
- Acquire experience in multiple types of writing
- Take advantage of smaller class sizes with more opportunities to interact with instructors
- Develop stronger writing skills
- Earn the Writing-Certified Class Program Distinction, which you can use for job interviews, applications to transfer institutions, and internship opportunities
Students are Talking about Writing-Certified Classes
For their enhanced focus on writing and depth of learning, writing-certified classes are popular with many CGCC students. See what they’re saying:
Writing-Certified Classes
"I think through writing we had to dig deep into our thoughts; this is something that I hadn’t really done before. By digging into my own heart and feelings, I think it not only made me a better critical thinker but also more conscious of my own feelings." --ASB211 student
"After being given a task, it can be difficult to grasp the full concept at first. At first it's just going through step by step to finish the homework. Once we are given our writing assignment, it's a great way for us to exercise and implement what we just learned to help fully understand it." --IFS110 student
"Thanks to the writing assignments, my knowledge of the course grew exponentially. The writing assignments forced me to really dive into the textbook and my notes. The best part of the writing assignments was that they required you to apply the information. The papers weren’t just on facts and definitions. Because of this, my understanding of the content was increased, and I could apply the lessons to my everyday life." --COM100 student
"The opportunity to construct a written response to sociological issues while the content, arguments, controversies, and supporting data were fresh in my mind has consistently reinforced the information that I glean from each lecture and class discussion that is followed by a writing. I find it very valuable to have a chance to express my own thoughts regarding race relation issues as my thoughts and opinions on the matter become more and more complex with my understanding. As a sociologist, I value having a voice and a say in the matter of race relations." --SOC140 student
"I feel the Show You Know assignments helped further my understanding of the course really well, because it allowed me to work through complex problems with my peers, enabling me to use the techniques I'd learned in class in a real-life setting.” --MAT230 student
""Writing assignments such as the primary source analysis, Heard Museum response, and reading journals have enhanced my understanding of literature of the southwest. Those writing assignments have made me think and write more analytically and read the literature more thoroughly. Having writings that follow up with activities helps immensely when it comes to retaining information. The writings I completed have made me realize the importance of the place we live." --ENH260 student
“One benefit of writing lab reports is that it enhanced my own understanding when attempting to explain the background and purpose of each experiment.” --CHM236LL student
"I feel like the lab reports in this organic chemistry class have greatly helped my writing skills. I honestly feel proud and accomplished of each assignment turned in because it sounds professional and as if I were an expert chemist." --CHM236LL student
"The most important writing assignments we were required to complete for this class were the technical reports. I feel that these assignments provided the opportunity to learn and practice a skill that will be relevant and useful upon entering the work force in my chosen major." --ECE102 student
"My writing skills were greatly improved through the writing assignments in MAT 231. These assignments improved my writing by forcing me to focus on what I wanted to say and what was important to say rather than how I wanted to dress it up and make it sound. They aided in my problem-solving process and gave me a better understanding of the concepts. They added clarity into what the problem was really asking and helped me better outline the steps on how to solve future problems with a similar general format. They helped me make connections between multiple concepts used in the class and understand the importance of their use in multiple situations as well as aiding me in my ability to explain the concepts and their applications clearly and simply." --MAT231 student
"Overall, my writing in this class and in general has improved significantly. Not only did I learn to write in a whole new way, but I can use this writing style in other writing I do as I move on." --ASB211 student
“The Show You Know assignments enabled me to practice my technical writing skills, as I had to format the information I found into a succinct document " --MAT230 student
Writing-Certified Classes
How to Get Started
Getting started in the program is easy: All you have to do is register for a CGCC writing-certified class. View upcoming writing-certified classes
If there’s a class you need and you don’t see a writing-certified section, let us know. We may be able to help!
For information on becoming a CGCC student, visit admissions.
Receiving Your Certificate
To earn the Writing-Certified Class Program Distinction award, students need to successfully complete 15 or more credit hours of writing-certified classes (typically five classes).