With Earth Day approaching, it is time for our annual E.A.R.T.H. Forward Event! The Office of Sustainability and Chandler Gilbert Community College will host this year's event on April 10, 2024 and invites you to attend! Join students, faculty, employees, and community members and learn about a sustainable future through Education, Adaptation, Resilience, Technology, and Humanities!
Schedule of events (A detailed list with full descriptions is attached).
9:00 am-11:00 am Sustainability Exhibit Fair, Ironwood courtyard
Non-profits, Businesses, and more share information promoting sustainability
10:30 am-11:30 am FABRIC and FSM Professional Dress workshop and Fashion Show SC100 Pavilion, Lunch served
Learn how to purchase and effectively style professional attire from Angela Johnson of FABRIC
11:30am-12:30pm Jim Turner, Historian, Arizona Water Use from Prehistory to the Present, PAC Auditorium
Jim Turner will give a brief history of water in AZ, focusing on current sustainability issues.
12:30-1:10pm Student Sustainability Presentations, PAC Auditorium
Come learn from students about biodiversity naivety and why diverse species matter
1:10 pm-1:40 pm From Nope to Hope: Transform Your Future with Concrete Actions
PAC Auditorium
Danielle Cowan, SMCC Librarian & Natalie Case, SCC Education Programs Developer
Explore actions one can take within their own sphere of influence to make a difference.
1:40 pm-2:10 pm Business sense for a sustainable future, Troy Swope, Co-Founder Terram Lab
PAC Auditorium
Removing harmful chemicals from food packaging while capitalizing on the financial opportunities.
2:10 p.m. - 2:40 p.m. - Sustainability within MCCCD, Anthony Garcia, Sustainability Project Manager PAC Auditorium
Explore moving the needle on sustainability efforts at Maricopa Community Colleges.
3.00 pm-3:30 pm Dedication of CGCC’s Pollinator Way Station, Kendra Stanger, Environmental Technology Center (ETC) Coordinator, at the ETC
Learn about and celebrate CGCC’s Pollinator Way Station for Monarch Butterflies.
See More Event Information Here