Katlind Nearing, CGCC Peer Success Coach
by Katlind Nearing, CGCC Peer Success Coach
What is the next step to achieving my academic goals at a university? What are my goals?! What does that look like?
And how on Earth can I make that happen?!
These are all questions that I have recently asked myself. One thing I wish I would have understood about transferring sooner, is that your community college GPA only factors into your university admission process. This means that the second you start at the university, your cumulative GPA there starts at zero as if you have never taken a college course. For some of you this news might be like ahhh… a fresh start, and for others it may be really annoying because you like your current GPA—and I am with you there. Either way, look at it as a new opportunity to better yourself and your habits because that is all you can do.
A few months ago, I took a leap and transferred from Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC) to the University of Arizona, which also meant moving 100 miles away from my hometown and starting my future away from everything I have grown to know and love. I am now halfway through my first semester and I am still alive and sane (somehow). My point is, this is something I never thought I would be able to do because of how easy it would have been to just stay at home.
One of the biggest challenges I have faced while moving away is overcoming how much I miss my dog… I mean my family (but mainly my dog). I was forced to go out of my comfort zone and meet new people because no one else is here to do things for me anymore. However, I quickly learned that the people I am surrounded by in my now upper level courses are the exact same people that I will be surrounded by for the next two years. What this really means is that the friends I make in my classes are not going anywhere, and I am not and will not be alone. I hope this brings you some of the same comfort it brought me.
Another challenge might be finding yourself in a slump where you have these goals to get a 4-year degree but have absolutely no idea what to get it in. That may be because we both know that there are what feels like 10 million options, and you have to choose one, and your entire future and all of your happiness relies on this decision, and AHH! OR maybe, just MAYBE you don’t overthink as much as I do, and you make a rational decision to take it one day at a time, exploring different options and opportunities to figure out what you love.
I am here to assure you, no matter what your goals are, where your goals are (except at ASU because Bear Down), and how scary and tempting it may be to run away from them, you CAN get through this daunting experience. I did!
Get Help at CGCC
Wherever you’re headed, starting your college career at CGCC is a smart move. If you’re planning to transfer to a university or four-year college, take advantage of CGCC’s transfer services, including:
- Information about public, private, out-of-state, and nontraditional colleges and universities
- Opportunities to meet with representatives from Arizona’s universities on CGCC’s campuses
- Events, such as our Transfer Fair, workshops, and more
- Help with the transfer process
CGCC also has special transfer agreements (known as transfer pathways) with all three public Arizona universities, as well as more than 35 out-of-state, private, and online college and university partners. Find out more at https://www.cgc.edu/admissions/international-students/transfer-university.