Getting a jumpstart on your college education is easier than ever. Now students can apply for the Arizona Dual Enrollment Tuition Assistance Program (AZDETAP). The Arizona State Legislature recently passed Senate Bill 1717 to provide tuition assistance to high school students who qualify for, or participate in, a Free and Reduced Lunch program or meet equivalent household income levels.
The AZDETAP is open to high school students participating in a qualifying dual enrollment course(s), and meet all of following criteria:
- 9-12th grade high school students
- Enrolled in a Dual Enrollment Qualifying Course
- Overall, unweighted high school GPA of 2.5 or greater as demonstrated by a high school transcript
- Demonstrate financial need (see financial guidelines)
- Meets Financial Guidelines as demonstrated by one of the following: Qualifying Letter for Free and Reduced Lunch or 2022 Tax Return Transcript
The legislation does limit the amount of tuition assistance each student may receive annually, based on grade level*:
9th and 10th Grades
$50 per credit hour, but not exceeding $300 for the academic year (6 credits)
9th grade high school students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher on their high school transcript can move forward with submitting the application.
11th and 12th Grades
$50 per credit hour, not to exceed $600 for the academic year (12 credits)
*Tuition assistance will be calculated on a per student basis and enrollment at multiple colleges will not change the overall awarding.
Apply now for AZDETAP together with the Maricopa Grant:
To expedite the application process, please gather the following documents to be uploaded with the application:
- High school transcripts, with unweighted GPA listed
- Letter listing student as a qualified participant in an active Free and Reduced Lunch Program or 2022 Tax Return Transcript with high school student’s name listed
One you submit the application, a representative will review your application to determine if you meet the AZDETAP qualifications. Please allow 7-10 business days to process your application and check your Maricopa email for more information regarding the status. You will receive an email notification indicating if you are approved or denied funds from the AZDETAP program. Updates will not be sent to your personal email address.
There are many different dual enrollment classes available to students, from math to science to foreign language. View the full list for each participating high school at https://www.cgc.edu/admissions/high-school-students/dual-enrollment/high-school-class-lists.
Learn more about AZDETAP at https://www.maricopa.edu/azdetap-app.