FOI Career Connections Event!
Select a Field of Interest to explore the degree and certificate options available in your chosen field. Every Field of Interest represents a community of students, faculty, and staff who will give you the information, assistance, and encouragement you need to find success and help you on your academic journey!
Discover more about the many opportunities in your chosen Field of Interest (FOI) by attending one of these Sessions below.
Session 1: September 13, 10:30 am-11:15 am
Session 2: September 13, 12:00 pm-12:45 pm
Session 3: September 14, 12:00 pm-12:45 pm
So dive into your passion and begin building a career you’ll love. Please visit these locations specific to your Field of Interest at the Pecos Campus September 13 and September 14.
* Applied Technology Field of Interest will not be included
For a map of campus locations, please visit:
Behavioral Science & Human Services BRS-129
Business, Entrepreneurialism and Management AGA-1242
Computer and Information Technology BRD-165
Culture and Society IRN-207
Education IRN-130
Health Sciences BRD-163
Visual and Performing Arts IRN-126